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Thesis Edgar MATRINGE


From 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2025

Characterization of pathophysiological alteration of attentional investment and disinvestment in consciousness flow : studies with epileptic and non-epileptic participants.

In this PhD project, we are interested in pathophysiological alterations of consciousness flow that are brutally interfering with the patient’s interactions with the world. Moreover, because of their critical implications for consciousness flow, we are interested in the neurocognitive dynamism constituting attentional modulations. To do so, we are working with a neurological, pediatric population suffering from childhood absence epilepsy (CAE). This specific population presents with abrupt and transitive alterations of consciousness and attentional deficits. CAE is classified in the group of idiopathic generalized epilepsy. The actual dominant hypothesis proposes a neurodevelopmental origin to both ictal and interictal deficits associated with CAE. This epilepsy is characterized by absence seizures, which are defined by bilateral generalized spike-wave discharges associated with clinical alteration of consciousness. Attentional difficulties are very well known in this epilepsy, considering structural, functional, and behavioral studies from the literature. This work aims to identify cerebral and cognitive processes involved in the constitution of consciousness flow by studying attentional investment and disinvestment through the pathological model of epilepsy. On the one hand, childhood absence epilepsy is considered the gold standard in the study of neurophenomenology. On the other hand, this specific population allows us to study the fundamental links underlying pathological alterations of consciousness and attentional network deficits.

From a fundamental perspective, it is crucial to improve both theoretical and empirical knowledge to define consciousness flow by studying attentional dynamism. Moreover, we would like to extend our model to the grand diversity of ictal and interictal generalized spike wave discharges. From a clinical perspective, it is necessary to improve biomedical knowledge about absence seizure initiation mechanisms because absence seizures aren’t systematically controlled by antiepileptic medication and are highly impacting patients’ life. From a long-term perspective, it is essential to propose alternative care for absence seizures, for example, by using cognitive remediation to reduce absence seizure occurrences.

Supervisors :
Laurent VERCUEIL (LVercueil[at]chu-grenoble[dot]fr)
Juan VIDAL (jvidal[at]univ-catholyon[dot]fr) (Co-encadrant)

Keywords : attentional investment,attentional disinvestment,Consciousness flow,Absence epilepsy,Blip syndrome,EEG / iEEG,


From 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2025


MESRI - Dotation EPSCP

Submitted on 17 November 2023

Updated on 17 November 2023