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Visual awareness and learning to read

We provide evidence to support a causal relationship between EVA and learning to read. From a neurobiological point of view, we show the involvement of the dorsal attentional network. In terms of modelling, we propose BRAID, the first computational model to include an implementation of the visual and visuo-attentional mechanisms involved in word recognition. This theoretical research has led to the development and validation of new remediation tools in the context of dyslexia. As part of the PIA Fluence project, we are currently testing the effectiveness of classroom-based training software with a view to prevention. We are seeking to extend the BRAID model to phonology and learning, to account for individual developmental trajectories and to test the concept of EVA in Semitic languages.

Permanent·es : Julien Diard, Sylviane Valdois

PhD : Ali Saghiran (thèse soutenue le 10 juin 2021), Alexandra Steinhilber (thèse soutenue le 05 mai 2023)

Postdoctorant·es : Jeanne Charoy



PIA e-FRAN Fluence

Submitted on 17 November 2023

Updated on 17 November 2023